The network research entitled How the Real Estate Market Functions in Historical Centers in Brazilian Cities has been under the coordination of Professor Norma Lacerda (UFPE), since March 2013, with the participation of researchers from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), the Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA), Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA), Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) and Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). The research was initiated from the following findings: i) the academic literature has treated the issue of historic centers as a separate item from the question of how the real estate market functions; ii) understanding how the real estate market functions is fundamental in order to understand the urban socio-spatial dynamics that have been presented, above all, during the past two decades in the historical centers of Brazilian cities. Over the last seven years, there have been almost 100 academic contributions, including articles, course completion papers, dissertations and theses, involving the participation of more than 100 researchers.
Under the coordination of Professor Norma Lacerda, with the support of Professor Iana Ludermir, the research is currently broadening the analysis conducted by Gemfi on the Historic Center of Recife (CHR). The initial hypothesis of the research was that the real estate market in this center operated from four submarkets, roughly corresponding to the four neighborhoods into which it is contained: the Bairro do Recife, Santo Antônio, São José and Boa Vista. With the conviction that these submarkets did not obey the borders of these neighborhoods, this study group proceeded to analyze the overlap between the occupation patterns, the predominant functions in each, as well as their externalities (positive and negative). From this point it was possible to identify six submarkets: the Bairro do Recife; Santo Antônio-Guararapes; Santo Antônio-Praça do Diário; São José; Imperatriz-Rua Nova and Boa Vista. Moreover, it has also been possible to ascertain, in each submarket, the conduct of its agents, a task that has been made possible thanks to the data made available by the Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the City of Recife (DPPC-PR), a partner of Gemfi.
The first stage of the research, developed by Gemfi, on the real estate market in historic areas (2013-2016), focused on the Historic Site of Olinda and the Historic Center of Recife. During this period, approximately 30 academic papers were prepared, including scientific initiation reports, course completion papers, dissertations, theses and academic articles. Outstanding are the productions on the seasonal real estate market in the Historic Site of Olinda, the purchase and sales in the CHR; formal and informal in the CHR; the singularities of Santo Antônio, as well as productions on housing dynamics in the neighborhoods of São José and Boa Vista. Once again, it is important to emphasize the presence in all of these cases of an effort to theorize. Essentially, this is a topic – the real estate market in historic centers – hitherto unknown. As of 2017, as mentioned above, Gemfi entered a new stage, focusing even more on the CHR, i.e., it has been increasing its analytical lenses on the implications of how the real estate market functions in relation to the socio-spatial dynamics of this historical centrality.
Currently, there are approximately 20 researchers and students involved in research on the historic center of Recife. Over the past seven years, round 20 academic articles and book chapters have been produced; 20 scientific initiation research reports; and more than 10 studies ranging between dissertations, theses and undergraduate work.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquet vestibulum enim, non vehicula felis tincidunt sed. Duis lorem purus, ornare molestie metus sed, tristique efficitur ex. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris in cursus velit. Nunc rhoncus urna lacus, id gravida lorem maximus ut. Ut vel euismod elit. Maecenas sed sem finibus augue pellentesque hendrerit. Donec mollis elit justo, tincidunt blandit nibh dictum in. Sed malesuada molestie suscipit. Quisque ultrices ullamcorper tincidunt. Phasellus ornare condimentum magna vel ullamcorper. Curabitur vel lectus ipsum. Sed nibh purus, pharetra eu tempus eget, fringilla nec nibh. Aliquam posuere est felis, vitae egestas risus pharetra vel. Praesent ac accumsan sapien.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Belém, capital of the State of Pará, is one of the most important metropolises in the Amazon Region. It has a listed historic center that houses an important collection of regional cultural heritage and that, unlike central historical areas in several other Brazilian cities, remains active and diversified, in socioeconomic terms, although some of its buildings and public spaces have suffered deterioration in physical terms. Since 2013, the city has made part of the network research The Real Estate Market in Historic Centers (MICH), conducting studies within the Postgraduate Program in Development and Urban Environment at the Universidade da Amazônia – PPDMU-UNAMA. The research has been coordinated by Professor Helena Lúcia Zagury Tourinho, with the direct participation of Prof. Marco Aurélio Arbage Lobo, and has involved the collaboration of both undergraduate (scholarships for scientific initiation and volunteers) and postgraduate students.
At first (2013-2016), the research focused on investigating the socio-spatial information that enabled the general characteristics to be identified of the real estate market in the Historic Center of Belém (CHB) and to indicate its main agents, the legal framework that guides the way it functions, the dynamics of producing and modifying properties, amongst others. This phase resulted in the construction of a georeferenced database, containing secondary information and data collected in the field, which has served as an input for several studies. In addition, more than 20 papers have been prepared, including scientific initiation reports, course completion papers, dissertations and articles in scientific journals and annals of academic events. Since 2017, due to the empirical verification of the growing role played by groups of Asian traders in occupying CHB properties, especially in the Campina neighborhood, the group has directed its studies towards understanding, dimensioning and characterizing these occupation processes, identifying the socio-spatial logics of the actions of these groups and the transformations it has promoted. Between 2017-2019, approximately 20 papers were produced, including academic articles, book chapters, scientific initiation research reports, dissertations and course completion papers. Currently, the research is moving towards forming an empirical and theoretical basis in order to analyze the implications of these changes in the way the real estate market is functioning. For this, three 3 postgraduate students have become involved.
Helena Tourinho
Campina Grande, the second most populous city in the state of Paraíba and an important regional center, joined the network of studies on the Real Estate Market in Historical Centers in Brazilian Cities (MICH) in 2017. The research has been developed within the scope of the Housing and City Production Research Group (GPHEC) from the architecture and urbanism course at the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). Coordinated by Professor Kainara dos Anjos, with the collaboration of undergraduate students, fellowship holders and volunteers, the research has sought to incorporate the theoretical and methodological contributions developed by Gemfi. It should be noted that in the case of the Historic Center of Campina Grande (CHCG), there is one distinct feature in relation to other large Brazilian cities, due to the fact that it has remained the main urban centrality of the municipality. Although the CHCG has undergone different processes throughout the last decades, whether through its valorization, or its devalorization, it still possesses an important Art Deco collection. For this reason, its degradation process is also differentiated, giving way to commercial activities rather than preserving the built-up heritage, as well as a decrease in its use for housing.
During the first year of research (2017-2018), an effort was sought to understand the functioning mechanisms of the real estate market at CHCG, given the lack of research in this area and the need to investigate the spatial dynamics and the transformation processes identified in this area. Thus, a broad characterization of the historic center and surrounding areas was conducted. During the second year (2018 – 2019), the objective was to verify the implications on the spatial dynamics of the real estate market in CHCG and to discover the repercussions that have been felt from the emergence of “new frontiers” of real estate capital valorization, seeking to identify occupation patterns, as well as existing submarkets. During the third year (2019 – 2020), the aim has been to understand the factors that have led to the valorization of some central areas and the underutilization of others, and the increase in the price of land, thereby contributing to modification in the uses previously prevalent in certain areas (housing) towards others (commerce and service). The aim was also to understand how these processes and transformations are related to the new ways of living that have emerged in recent decades, especially around the CHCG. Currently, one scientific initiation fellowship student and seven volunteer students are involved in the project.
Kainara dos Anjos
The research has been developed under the coordination of Professor Dr. Jovanka Baracuhy C. Scocuglia, with the support of the doctoral student Lizia Agra (MDU/UFPE) at LECCUR – the Laboratory of Studies on Cities, Contemporary Cultures and Urbanities and DAU/PPGAU/UFPB. It focuses on the dynamics of the real estate market in the Historic Center of João Pessoa, defined through polygonal areas of preservation by federal and state entities (IPHAN and IPHAEP) to discuss the formal and informal markets for occupation and commercialization of housing properties in the center of João Pessoa, and to identify the uses and appropriations, verifying the implications regarding the location and typology of the properties. Currently, data collection and analysis is taking place, having initiated in 2018, the year that the team joined. Uses and conservation status have been identified, verifying which new forms the real estate market has been adopting in the central area and which recurring processes may characterize these markets, which are operating simultaneously. Reflections have been made on the influence of intervention projects conducted on cultural heritage on the local real estate market, especially those promoted by the State. A significant part of the recent data was collected within the scope of PIBIC/PIVIC/UFPB/CNPq, and in the preparation of the PhD thesis by Profa. Lizia Agra, currently in progress, and are in the process of analysis. These data have been georeferenced and tabulated, and thus, graphs and preliminary analyzes are underway.
The first stage of the research aimed to create a theoretical basis and to construct a referential framework. Following this, a historical database was constructed, with a catalogue of the specific references to the theme, files and other documents, cartographies and images that guided, in part, the construction of the historical survey, identifying the physical and real estate and typological structures and an overview of income, characteristics of residents, and the socio-spatial mobility of the Historic Center of João Pessoa. Alongside this, the field survey was set into motion, collecting and producing maps with associated data that respond to the occupation pattern, in addition to cartographic cataloging of the use and occupation of the area and to the degree of preservation. By means of the field study and consultations on real estate sites (Viva Real and ZAP Imoveis), in addition to consultations with local official bodies in information management, it was possible to discover the value of the square meter in 2013 and, since 2018, the values and location of the properties available for rent and sale, offered on the main sites, are listed in spreadsheets and maps. To these, research of the new ventures has also been added, data that were listed in spreadsheets with typological characteristics and referenced geographically. With this, a classification of these properties has been created and cross-referenced with IBGE data. In terms of academic production, research progress was presented at the GEMFI seminar (2019), two scientific initiation research reports were submitted to CNPQ and ENIC/CNPq/UFPB (2019), also published in Cadernos de Resumos (online) of the event and a book chapter in an e-book.